Today the Ageing Rockstar attains the grand old age of 62. Having ascertained that i would not be buying him a guitar, or anything too guitar-like, he was persuaded to widen his aspirations on the birthday present front. “I might quite like one of those kindles,” he said, “then i could play games on it like i did on my old tablet thingy.” The old tablet thingy was indeed old. It was almost as old as the Ageing Rockstar. As well as being a dab hand with a guitar, the Ageing Rockstar is also a dab hand with a spanner. In a past life he earned a crust through spannering cars. At this point i will need to leave you, dear reader, in order to check with mr google whether there is another meaning for the word ‘spannering’. [sound of footsteps disappearing] [sound of footsteps reappearing] It would appear that spannering is a safe word, but spannered can mean out of one’s head on drugs. So just to be clear the Ageing Rockstar was often spannering but ne...